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          Epoxy resin

          Epoxy resin is an organic polymer compound which generally contains two or more epoxy groups in the molecule, and their relative molecular mass is not high except for a few.

          The molecular structure of the epoxy resin is characterized by the presence of an active epoxy group in the molecular chain, and the epoxy group may be located at the end, in the middle or in a ring structure of the molecular chain. Since the molecular structure contains an active epoxy group, they can be cross-linked with various types of curing agents to form an insoluble, infusible polymer having a three-dimensional network structure.

          A polymer compound containing an epoxy group in a molecular structure is collectively referred to as an epoxy resin. The cured epoxy resin has good physical and chemical properties. It has excellent bonding strength to the surface of metal and non-metal materials, good dielectric properties, small set shrinkage, good dimensional stability, high hardness and flexibility. It has good properties and is stable to alkali and most solvents. It is widely used in various departments of national defense and national economy for casting, dipping, laminating, bonding, coating and other purposes.

          China has been researching epoxy resin since 1958 and has invested in industrial production at a rapid rate. It has been flourishing all over the country, except for the production of ordinary bisphenol A-epichlorohydrin epoxy resin. Various types of new epoxy resins are still produced to meet the urgent needs of national defense construction and various sectors of the national economy.

          Summary of material characteristics: easy curing, strong adhesion, low shrinkage, chemical stability, and mold resistance. The process is simple, does not need to apply excessive pressure, has good insulation, chemical corrosion resistance, and has good oil resistance and solvent resistance.

          Precautions for storage and use: Store in a cool, ventilated place; must be used with curing agent.
